Provide real-time weather and forecast based on your current location or any location in the world.
Weather Forecast: Offer hourly, daily, monthly and yearly weather forecast.
Detailed Weather Info: current temperature, wind speed & direction, humidity, UV, atmospheric pressure, air quality index (AQI), dew point, visibility, and etc.
Download and apply weather widgets to your Home Screen to get weather info after you unlock your phone.
Enable Notification option in Amber Weather to get local weather info by checking your notification list.
Live Wallpaper changes according to real-time weather conditions, showing you weather details by double-tapping it.
More than 100 weather and clock widgets in different themes for you to choose from.
Amber Weather has been translated into over 30 languages.
Stay tuned
If you have any advice or suggestions, please send your feedback to
Your feedback will be fully appreciated. We are looking forward to improving our product with your help.